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"How To Create Structure in Your Organisation To Aid Effectiveness And Profitability In As Little as 7 Days... Doesn't Matter that You Are a Small Business!..."
"Here's The Perfect Solution To Create a Structured Business..."
"Are You a Business Owner Who is Sick and Tired of the DISORGANISATION in Your Business?..."

From Eyitayo Ogunyemi
Lagos, Nigeria

Dear friend,
It's a FACT - most people fail miserably trying to grow a GREAT Business.
Why? Because their organisational structure sucks!
Have you been wracking your brain for a solution?
Or, you wish to but you can't afford one of those high-priced professionals to hold you by the hand and put you through?
Do you want to create structure in your Business... but don't know where to start?

Then, this framework is the answer you've been looking for.

Hi, I'm Eyitayo Ogunyemi, Business Coach, Author and a Lawyer.
Faculty Member, Joseph Business School
Member, Working Group Project: Private sector implementation of the National Ethics and Integrity Policy, 2020
I've been holding entrepreneurs by the hand and helping them to grow great businesses for the last 10+ years. 

"How to fast-track your Business Structure from good to GREAT ..."
I’ve got an amazing framework for you called “The Top 3 Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth”
It makes it easy for you to establish a highly effective business structure that aids effectiveness of your team players and profitability of the business.

If you want to operate a business that is well structured, effective and profitable, then this framework is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Claim your access now and I’ll get you started with my One-Page Guide to Business Structuring Immediately.

"The Top 3 Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth!"
The Top 3 Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth (#350,000 value)

BONUS #1: 10 Standard Business Structuring Templates for your Business (#250,000 value)

BONUS #2: Instant Access to My Interview on what to do as soon as you register your business (#20,000 value)

BONUS #3: Full Access to my Private Facebook Page for Entrepreneurs (#250,000 value)

BONUS #4: Free Ticket to Attend Good to Great Business Workshop (#50,000 value)

BONUS #5: My Business Owner's One-Page Guide to Business Structuring (#50,000 value)

BONUS #6: 30 Minutes Consultation with Eyitayo Ogunyemi (#50,000 value)

ALL For only NGN5,000!

For about the price of a large pizza, you can get access to a framework that took me 10+ years to perfect...

"The Top 3 Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth!"

All you need to do is register and you can get started right away (even if it’s 2am in the morning!!!)

"How Every Business Owner Can Run A Well Structured Organisation That Can Aid Effectiveness And Profitability..."

I recently visited a water logged area and found a building already tilting (sinking) by the side. The person with me told me of how unlucky the property owner had been with getting customers to occupy the building because of that situation. It's a similar situation in business- you need my webinar because it would help you to lay a robust foundation for your business. You also become more profitable and your business will be on the way from being good to becoming great

"How To Have An Organised Structure In As Little As 7 Days ..."


"How To Solve The Problem Of Inefficient Organisation And Lack Of Productivity In As Little As 7 Days ..."

It makes it easy for you to establish a highly effective business structure that aids effectiveness of your team players and profitability of the business.

"Many Businesses have the prospect of becoming GREAT, but they do not live to their potential because they lack ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE..."
When you buy my framework, you get the framework, 10 business structuring templates for your business, instant access to my interview on what to do as soon as you register your business, full access to my private FB page for entrepreneurs, free ticket to attend Good to Great Business Workshop, a free one-pager to guide you on how to structure your business and 30 minutes free consultation with me. 

You get all of this at JUST NGN5,000!!! 

This is a limited offer, so hurry up, hit the button below to claim the offer
"How Every Business Owner Can Run A Well Organised Business.."
For Only NGN5,000
Yes... for about the price of a large pizza, you can get access to a framework that took me 10+ years to create... 

"Use My Business Structuring Framework to Grow Your Business from Good to GREAT In As Little As 7 Days..."
  • Streamline business operations
  • ​Manage relationships 
  • Improve employee performance
  • ​Leverage on relationships to GROW the Business
  • ​Make quality business decisions
  • ​Become more organised and profitable 
  • ​Start your succession planning 
At this point you might be asking...
"Who is Eyitayo Ogunyemi and how can he help me to structure my business?
I'm The Guy Who Teaches Entrepreneurs to grow GREAT Businesses... Anybody! No matter your qualifications.
I've been doing this for over 10 years.
I've assisted more than a thousand entrepreneurs to start their companies (some of those entrepreneurs came into my private network and are building GREAT businesses).  

My mission is to change the narrative of Africa being tagged as a "third world" CONTINENT. I believe that African entrepreneurs are the solution to her economic problems and that the more entrepreneurs that succeed in business, the more chances for us to deliver the future. This is one of the reasons I am committed to grooming entrepreneurs for success.
Casestudy Of Someone Else Using My Framework...
Let me share a quick story with you
Tooheeb Abdulsalam is the CEO of Farm Ignite, one of the top tech-agro businesses in Nigeria. I showed him the secrets to business GROWTH and he used the information he got to decide the most appropriate structure for his business, build the right relationship with partners and investors, structure his business in a way that the company enjoys tax incentives and win grants. He has toured many Countries as a result of things he learnt and is on the verge of launching in other African Countries.

Below are additional testimonials from entrepreneurs that have subscribed to my Framework
When You Get Your Copy Of "Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth"(For Just NGN5,000)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - 10 Standard Business Structuring Templates for your Business
"10 Standard Business Structuring Templates for Your Business"
Total Value: N250,000
You can adopt these templates to create structure for your business
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth' Today! 
Bonus #2 - Instant Access to My Interview on what to do as soon as you register your business
"Instant Access to My Interview on what to do as soon as you register your business"
Total Value: NGN20,000
Not many entrepreneurs know what to do immediately after registering their business. This interview is shot, hits the points fast and you will love it.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth' Today! 
Bonus #3 - Full Access to my Private Facebook Page for Entrepreneurs
Total Value: NGN250,000
NETWORK is one of your greatest assets in business. Connect with my page to have closer access to me and my business thoughts
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth' Today! 
Bonus #4 - Free Ticket to Attend Good to Great Business Workshop (NGN50,000 value)
Bonus #5 - My Business Owner's One-Page Guide to Business Structuring (NGN50,000 value)
Bonus #6 - 30 Minutes Consultation with ME!
"30 Minutes Consultation with Eyitayo Ogunyemi..."
Total Value: NGN50,000
As you sit to learn using my framework, i envisage that you migt have questions to ask. This is a "call a friend" line, USE IT! 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
I’m doing this because I know what its like to have a great organisation you want to build in your head while you struggle to have the proper structure for it! 

I'm doing this because I detest it when a business with great prospect dies. I do this because I believe that African Entrepreneurs are the solution to changing the narrative that Africa is a "third world" economy. 

I want to help as many business owners as I can fix that once and for all.

Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
Not sure how long I will keep this offer available.... But, while the link works, its yours to have.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
IF you digest my framework and feel that it sucks, get on the phone with me, I will refund your money. You can still keep access to the framework and get value from it in the future.

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order My Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth.
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES EYITAYO! Give Me Instant Access To The Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth And Training RIGHT NOW For Just NGN5,000!
  Top 3 Business Structuring Tricks and Tools Framework  (Value N350,000)
  10 Standard Business Structuring Templates for your Business (Value N250,000)
  Instant Access to My Interview on what to do as soon as you register your business (Value N20,000)
  Full Access to my Private Facebook Page for Entrepreneurs (Value N250,000)
 My Business Owner's One-Page Guide to Business Structuring (Value N50,000)
 Free Ticket to Attend Good to Great Business Workshop (Value N50,000)
 30 Minutes Consultation with ME (Value N50,000)
Total Value: NGN1,020,000.00
Today Just NGN5,000
That's pretty much everything! If you want to build a GREAT structure for your business, this is the framework to show you exactly how to do it... guaranteed!
I hope to see you on the inside :-)
Thanks again,

Eyitayo Ogunyemi
P.S. If you want to run an effective organisation, grow the chances of becoming profitable and create the pathway for your succession planning, a GREAT structure is the start of that journey! 
YES EYITAYO! Give Me Instant Access To 'Business Structuring Tricks and Tools for Business Growth' RIGHT NOW For Just NGN5,000!
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 Step #3: Checkout
Item Price

ONE TIME OFFER - Only NGN21,699: ~The Transcript and Behind the Scene Making of Business Structuring Tricks and Tools Webinar

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Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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